Loan Repayment Calculator | Calculate Your Loan EMI

Loan Repayment Calculator

Estimate your monthly loan repayment (EMI) based on the loan amount, interest rate, and loan term. Manage your finances and plan your loan repayment effectively.

Calculate Your Loan Repayment (EMI)

What is Loan Repayment (EMI)?

Loan repayment (EMI) is the monthly payment that you make to your lender to repay the loan amount over a specified period. The EMI includes both principal and interest components.

How is EMI for Loan Repayment Calculated?

The EMI for a loan repayment is calculated using the formula:

EMI = P × r × (1 + r)^n / ((1 + r)^n - 1)


Why is Loan Repayment Important?

Example Calculation

Assume you have the following loan details:

Using the formula, your monthly EMI would be approximately: ₹10,624.63