Google Rating Calculator
Estimate your business's average Google rating based on individual star ratings and the number of reviews. Simplify your reputation management.
Calculate Your Google Rating
What is a Google Rating?
Google Ratings are based on customer reviews and represent the average satisfaction level for your business. Ratings range from 1 to 5 stars.
How to Calculate Google Rating?
The formula for calculating Google ratings:
Average Rating = (Sum of All Ratings) ÷ (Total Number of Reviews)
Why Google Ratings Matter?
- Builds Trust: Higher ratings attract more customers.
- Improves Visibility: Google prioritizes businesses with better ratings in local searches.
- Helps in Decision Making: Customers rely heavily on ratings for choosing services or products.
Example Calculation
Assume you have the following reviews:
- 5-star: 80 reviews
- 4-star: 50 reviews
- 3-star: 20 reviews
- 2-star: 10 reviews
- 1-star: 5 reviews
Total Reviews = 165
Total Score = (80 × 5) + (50 × 4) + (20 × 3) + (10 × 2) + (5 × 1) = 700
Average Rating = 700 ÷ 165 = 4.24