Education Loan Calculator | Calculate Monthly EMI for Your Study Loan

Education Loan Calculator

Estimate your monthly Education Loan EMI based on the loan amount, interest rate, and loan term. Make informed decisions about financing your studies.

Calculate Your Education Loan EMI

What is an Education Loan?

An education loan is a financial product that helps students finance their education. It covers tuition fees, books, and other necessary expenses. The loan is repaid over time with interest.

How is EMI for Education Loan Calculated?

The EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) for an education loan is calculated based on the loan amount, interest rate, and loan term. The formula used to calculate EMI is:

EMI = P × r × (1 + r)^n / ((1 + r)^n - 1)


Why Education Loan is Important?

Example Calculation

If you borrow ₹5,00,000 at an annual interest rate of 8% for 5 years, your monthly EMI is calculated as:

Loan Amount = ₹5,00,000

Interest Rate = 8% annually (or 0.6667% monthly)

Loan Term = 5 years (60 months)

Using the formula, the EMI is approximately: ₹10,058.91